white wash and rocks

Even when we destroy and mar, nature will rebuild and beautify.

Inspired By The Sea

Sea glass is the embodiment of the age-old banner: one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. I take “trash,” or as I like to think of it, “sea gems” and turn them into timeless gifts, inspired by the sea, and finished by my hands.

My name is Jason Cordero and I finish what nature began when a simple piece of glass found its way into the ocean and through the fusion of energy created by nature, became a unique gem, laid to rest on the beaches of the Central Coast of California. Here in Cayucos, our town by the sea, we unearth what nature has freely given us; what nature has turned from destruction into destiny, and shape it with love and creativity, into something that can adorn any wearer.

Sea glass is a gift from nature intended to communicate a message of hope: regardless of man’s ill-intent, nature is more powerful. Even when we destroy and mar, nature will rebuild and beautify. The subtlety of sea glass, its size, its texture and luminescence is its profound beauty. The value of sea glass is nothing less than the value of each snowflake: unique. Like a pearl, shaped by nature, for man to enjoy. Sea glass, like every single pearl or snowflake is unique. Each it’s own ode to the unseen, magical work of the sea, turbulent and terrific!

Come and enjoy: the gifts of the ocean inspire my creations.